How To Add Break X Golf To Your Phone

Break X Golf is a web-based app that is optimised for mobile use. This means it’s one app that is available across all phones, tablets and desktops/laptops. We design it to look and feel best when using it on your phone.

Here we show you a great tip to help this feel and work more like a native Apple/Android app.

Open the Break X Golf sign in page on your phone browser (Safari, Google, Bing). You can just click the link in this paragraph to open it in a new tab.

Next follow the instructions below, depending if you have an iPhone or Android and your browser.

Creating a Break X Golf Icon from Safari

  1. Press the icon at the bottom of your browser with an upward arrow inside a box.
Break X Golf app log in

2. Scroll down and tap the ‘ Add to Home Screen’ button.

Break X Golf app stage 1

3. Add a name to your icon ‘Break X Golf’

Break X Golf app stage 2

4. Press ‘Done’ and you will now have a Break X Golf app icon on your phone.

Break X Golf app stage 3

Just press the app icon any time you want to log into Break X Golf. If you really want to save time finding your practice plan, you can follow the same process above for your ‘Plan’ page within the app.

Creating a Break X Golf Icon from Google Chrome

  1. Open the Break X Golf sign in page on your phone browser and press the icon at the top right of your browser with an upward arrow inside a box
Break X Golf home screen button Google Chrome 1

2. Scroll down and tap the ‘ Add to Home Screen’ button.

Break X Golf home screen button Google Chrome 2

3. Add a name to your icon ‘Break X Golf’

Break X Golf home screen button Google Chrome 3

4. Press ‘Done’ and you will now have a Break X Golf app icon on your phone.

Break X Golf home screen button Google Chrome 4

Just press the app icon any time you want to log into Break X Golf. If you really want to save time finding your practice plan, you can follow the same process above for your ‘Plan’ page within the app.

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